Thursday, December 13, 2007

Program for Jan-April quarter

Program for this quarter:

Dec 14 : GZ 料理の鉄人 - 愛心筵席 (Silvia)
Dec 21 : Bible Study (GL; Alice; Shirley)
Dec 28 : Christmas Celebration (Shirley/Wing)

Jan 4 : Hot pot and Movie @ Shirley and Wing's place - ChiKin
Jan 11 : Prayer Conference
Jan 18 : Cell Group
Jan 25 : Bible study

Feb 1 : Hymn sharing - Felix
Feb 8 : Senior Home preparation (Karen)
Feb 9 (Sat) : Senior Home Visit
Feb 15 : Jubilization
Feb 22 : Bible study
Feb 29 : Preparation for Mar 7 Pot Luck - Ricky

Mar 7 : Pot Luck (Yau Mun Yau Sik) @ Ricky's place - Ricky
Mar 14 : Cell group
Mar 21 : Planning - Silvia
Mar 28 : Bible study

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hillsong - Evermore

"As I look upon Your name, circumstances fade away". What a comfort and shelter we have in God.

Lost for words with all to say
Lord you take my breath away
Still my soul, my soul cries out
You are holy

And as I look upon Your name
Circumstances fade away
Now Your glory steals my heart
You are holy

You are holy
You are holy Lord

Evermore my heart, my heart will say
Above all, I live for Your glory
Even if my world falls I will say
Above all, I live for Your glory

With all my heart I'll say
I'm living for Your name
With all to give You praise
We're living for Your glory Lord

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hillsong - At the Cross

"Oh Lord You've searched me, You know my way; Even when I fail You, I know You love me." God knows you better than you know yourself. But He still loves you so much.

Verse 1:
Oh Lord You’ve searched me,
You know my way;
Even when I fail You,
I know You love me.
Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season,
I know You love me;
I know You love me.

At the cross I bow my knee,
Where Your blood was shed for me,
There’s no greater love than this.
You have overcome the grave,
Your glory fills the highest place,
What can separate me now?

Verse 2:
You go before me,
You shield my way,
Your hand upholds me;
I know You love me.
And when the earth fades,
Falls from my eyes,
And You stand before me,
I know You love me;
I know You love me.

You tore the veil, You made a way
When You said that it is done.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Chris Tomlin - Made to Worship

This song is so inspirational and uplifting.

"You and I will see
who we were meant to be"

Indeed, a Christian life is a life of worship and surrender. It is really a strange paradox... It is only by losing ourselves that we can finally find ourselves again, and know who we really are. And it is only by surrendering that we experience true freedom. I told you God is humorous. Try telling that to the criminal. :)

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." (Matthew 16:25)

It is so true.

1. Before the day, before the light
Before the world revolved around the sun
God on high
Stepped down into time
And wrote the story of His love for everyone

He has filled our hearts with wonder
So that we always remember

You and I were made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free
When You and I embrace surrender
You and I choose to believe
You and I will see who we were meant to be

2. All we are, and all we have
Is all a gift from God that we receive
Brought to life
We open up our eyes
To see the majesty and glory of the King

And even the rocks cry out
And even the Heavens shout
At the sound of His holy name!
So let every voice sing out
And let every knee bow down
He is worthy of all our praise!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Alice's favourite

Here's Alice's favourite :) Shame they didn't sing it yesterday, it's so good...

1. Savior I come
Quiet my soul
Redemptions hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom

Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

2. You were as I
Tempted and trialed
The word became flesh
Bore my sin and death
Now you're risen

To your heart
To your heart
Lead me to your heart
Lead me to your heart

We must go

A friend sent this video to me earlier, I think it's so relevant to yesterday's message at the concert... I am really interested in what God has spoken to you at the concert, do you think we should have a sharing time later?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

History of Christianity

History of Christianity

so much stuff to learn from the above site!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



Monday, May 14, 2007

How to be a contagious Christian (part 1)

Here are some of the notes I took at the 2nd part of the workshop I attended at AFC last Saturday about evangelism, especially to people our age.

The point about this workshop is that, to share our faith, it's not just talk, it's not "hard sell" our faith (which to be honest is how many people I know perceive Christians), but to be a contagious Christian whom other people want to hang around with because of what they see through our changed life. We are called to be Salt and Light, one to make people thirsty, the other to be the guide in darkness, so that people can taste and see what following Jesus means. We are not called to be annoying telemarketers, but also beware not to be a candle hiding under the basket.

This is relational evangelism: sharing our faith through our life. To let others see our life, the first requirement, then, obviously is to have a transparent life. It might be hard to do this, because we are sometimes afraid to share too much of our life, not to mention to strangers. But this is an act of faith that we must take, because opening up is the only way to build any relationship. We must have the wisdom to know when and what to share, but we must also trust that God will keep us from harm. When we open up our life, we build trust with people around us, and we give them the opportunity to open up. Not only do we gain a stronger friendship, but we will be able to more intimately share what God has done in our lives.

I like the analogy they used to illustrate the Christian Life. Is your Christianity just a computer software that you open on Sundays and when you need it, like Office, and close it when you are done? If so, then nothing repels more than an inconsistent Christian. Let your Christianity be the Operating System (Windows) that runs the computer itself, controlling every single functioning component. Be a consistent Christian.

OK, so here are a few characteristics/requirements that marks a contagious Christian:

1. Good relationship with God, obviously. You'll see why in a moment.

2. Authenticity (no hypocrisy nor wearing masks)

2.1 Authentic identity - you are who you really are, not what you think a Christian should be like. Having the right relationship with God is crucial here. If your life has not even been changed by God, you are just preaching something you are not.

2.2 Authentic emotional life - Be true to your emotions. A Christian is not perfect, he/she still has moments of weakness, sadness, anger. Don't hide them. Who wants to be a Christian who is not allowed to be weak, sad or angry.

2.3 Authentic confession - A Christian is not perfect, and don't be afraid to admit our mistakes. It takes a lot of courage and character to admit we are wrong.

2.4 Living by genuine conviction - Stand firm on what you believe in. Who likes a person who is 沒腰骨 ?

3. Compassion
A contagious Christian is marked by compassion for other people, thinking about others first before herself. Sometimes it is hard for us to be compassionate for other people, because we are constantly in an environment devoid of compassion; others are not compassionate to me, why should I be? But love is a decision, not a feeling. Love authentically, not out of duty, so it is important that you are first filled with God's love. That's why the right relationship with God is the utmost important point, everything else flows from there.

4. Sacrifice
Nothing touches hearts more than a sacrificial love. “There is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend". Practically, we can sacrifice 3 things:

4.1 Time - Spending time with a person is the best way to build a relationship.

4.2 Money, or material things - Helping someone financially, giving cards or gifts, are you willing to do this?

4.3 Lifestyle - Are you willing to give up certain aspects of your own lifestyle (e.g not using downloaded software) for God? (This one is hard...)

The more I write, the more I would like to be around a Christian like that. I have met some people before that truly embody all of the above, and I cannot describe how much respect I had for them, and how comfortable and fun it was to be around them. May we also bear these fruits.

I will attend part 2 in two weeks, I'll share more after that.

Any thoughts?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hillsong - None But Jesus

A video to share with you all, one of my all-time favorites, I never tire of this one... If you hear carefully, there is only one instrument involved. It's amazing how there is so much power in such simplicity, when hearts are truly worshiping. Sometimes things can be so simple. When hearts pour out to God, God does some really amazing things out of the simple and ordinary.

The woman is Darlene Zschech, the one who composed Shout to the Lord, and the guitarist is Reuben Morgan, who composed Still.

Hope you guys enjoy :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

生前下殺耶穌令 希律王陵墓出土

生前下殺耶穌令 希律王陵墓出土 2007年5月9日

【明報專訊】以色列考古學家經過35年的挖掘,周二宣布發現羅馬時代猶太王——希律王(King Herod)的陵墓,解開了這個2000年的重大考古之謎。根據《聖經》記載,希律王曾擔心「新生王」耶穌出生會威脅其王位,下令屠殺伯利恆的男嬰。

行宮辦公地 坐落人工小山



石棺碎成數百塊 擁花形裝飾





Wednesday, May 2, 2007



Tuesday, May 1, 2007


聽過唔少人批評基督徒支持創造論是迷信,因為創造論(creationism)不科學(not scientific)。而進化論(evolution theory)是科學的,是理性的(rational)。其實這些人的指控卻是很諷刺(ironic),在這班人之中,究竟有幾多人知道進化論是什麽,了解科學是什麽。難道盲目支持進化論是理性的嗎?聽過科學也是一種信仰(religion)嗎?進化論是能夠被證明的嗎?

Jubilization - 聚觀無極

The program is out: details see

Casting Crowns - Can Anybody Hear Her?

1. She is running
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
She is trying
But the canyon's ever widening
In the depths of her cold heart
So she sets out on another misadventure just to find
She's another two years older
And she's three more steps behind

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

2. She is yearning
For shelter and affection
That she never found at home
She is searching
For a hero to ride in
To ride in and save the day
And in walks her prince charming
And he knows just what to say
Momentary lapse of reason
And she gives herself away

If judgment looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we never even met her

He is running a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction

AFC Vancouver calendar added

AFC Vancouver (使者) have just created their Google calendar of events. I have subscribed to it in our fellowship calendar so we can more easily keep track of their events.

Please sign in to to check out the events.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Is NY Times reliable?

Go to section 8. READ and justify.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

尼采 (Nietzsche)

無意中從google search找到這個website

過去聽過很多教會「高層」人士對尼采(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)這個人宣稱的「上帝已死」便破口大罵,說這人是反對基督教之類。尼采此人的而且確是一個無神論者,但他的名言「上帝已死」的意思是和反對基督教沒有關連。很明顯地那些「屬靈人士」真的非常屬靈--屬靈到沒有接解過生存在物質世界的尼采的生平或看過其人的著作就判人死刑。吾看過他那本《反基督》(Eng: Antichrist/Antichristian, Germ: Der Antichrist),真是得益不少。如欲知詳情,請你自己做做research。

(註:此人應該也沒有看過Antichrist,因"God is dead"是出自Gay Science。)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007



Virginia Tech Campus槍擊事件的感想

早幾天Virginia Tech campus的槍擊事件,死了幾十人。一個人能夠射死幾十人,反映出槍手與當時被射死的幾十人實力懸殊,真是肉隨枮版上。要解決此問題,一般的說法有二,一是禁槍,二是人人有槍。


至於最好的辨法,就是利用宗教力量去達至導人向善的目標。當人認為人人要為自己的所作所為負責,儘管在世上死亡,也逃不過要在死後面對的果,人就會從內心約束自己不去犯罪。所以,傳福音不單是可以拯救人的靈魂,同時還能改善社會治安。沒有宗教,此仍是被左派分子進行「去宗教化」(dereligionize)的歐洲(Europe)和北美洲(North America)等西方文明國家(Western Civilization)所面對的問題也。

Monday, April 16, 2007

This week's bible verse

From Alice's email:

To continue from the bible verse last week.

This week, the bible verse is

以 賽 亞 書 Isaiah 53:6

[hb5] 我 們 都 如 羊 走 迷 、 各 人 偏 行 己 路 . 耶 和 華 使 我 們 眾 人 的 罪 孽 都 歸 在 他 身 上 。

[kjv] All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

[bbe] We all went wandering like sheep; going every one of us after his desire; and the Lord put on him the punishment of us all.

Let's try to memorize this together from the verse from last week? 以 賽 亞 書 Isaiah 53:4-5



And the previous verse:

4 他 誠 然 擔 當 我 們 的 憂 患 , 背 負 我 們 的 痛 苦 ; 我 們 卻 以 為 他 受 責 罰 , 被   神 擊 打 苦 待 了 。

5 哪 知 他 為 我 們 的 過 犯 受 害 , 為 我 們 的 罪 孽 壓 傷 。 因 他 受 的 刑 罰 , 我 們 得 平 安 ; 因 他 受 的 鞭 傷 , 我 們 得 醫 治 。


4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

Saturday, April 14, 2007



時間:4月29曰 ,下午2:30 - 6:00
地點:使者 Room C

More details here